Monday, 17 January 2011

My Little Pukka Pie

My Mom always used to say that I would understand the love she felt for me one day when I had a child, and to be honest, I believed her.  I still wish that I had the opportunity to tell her just how right she was!!  My Little S is simply amazing to me, but there are 3 times each day that I am simply without words of gratitude to the Universe for giving her to me.

In the morning, I can still hardly believe this little person asleep on my pillow.  I'm tired from a couple of feedings during the night and staying up too late the night before, yet it all, and I mean ALL, disappears as soon as she gives me that first smile of the day.  I am suddenly renewed and don't care that I have to change a nappy, get in a feed, and get both of us dressed to get to an appointment that we are probably late for.  I will do anything for that smile.

In the evening, when I'm feeding Little S, I'll notice that there's suddenly no sucking going on and go to help her latch back on (she frequently has little breaks in the middle of feeds, so this isn't unusual).  What I find is a little face staring intently at my own.  She smiles from ear to ear when I see this little face and smile into it, and then proceeds to tell me all about her day in her own wonderful language.

At bedtime, she has a feed, makes her cute little full-bellied-going-to-sleep-now faces.  I place her onto the pillow that we share, but that she is intent on making her own.  She breathes or snores and makes it impossible for me to easily drift off to sleep and join her, but her face is so peaceful and can I possibly be annoyed with that face??!!  I tell her that I love her and "good night" and thank the Universe yet again.  I shouldn't be hormonal anymore, but I still am often overwhelmed by emotion at this point of the day.

Mom, I understand now 100%...


  1. Nothing quite like experiencing it for ourselves. Isn't it the most amazing thing to feel this way. I am so glad you two were blessed with her!!!

  2. I often try to stay awake to see his sweet face, knowing just how quickly it all passes....Enjoy those moments!

  3. No, there is nothing like 1st hand experience, especially when it comes to parenthood. Thanks, I'm glad and grateful as well :D.

    Haha, part of why I get so little sleep is that every time I stir in the night, I have to stare at her and watch her and listen to her and and and...

  4. I think my favorite is when they are sleeping. Not only are they quiet for the moment (perk), they're little faces are so sweet and innocent.
